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12:21 p.m. - 2006-02-03
just stuff
Dearest Lucian,

Oh buddy! You are getting so big! I love looking at your smile! I'm sure you're pretty tired of hearing that, but it's true! I am so in love with you. Your laughter brightens my day, and your pout breaks my heart!

I don't know if I have written about this before but you are eating solid-ish foods now. It was quite a struggle trying to get you to eat. You still don't eat as well for me as you do for Pete's mom, but we're working together on that. You've eaten banabas, pears, sweet potatoes and peas. You don't really like peas, but I'm gonna try to give them to you again, sometime. Today we're going to walk down to the grocery store to buy wipes, but when we return, we'll hopefully get you to eat a full jar of pears. I like it when you eat. I like knowing that you are getting nutrition and good eating habits.

I wish I could think of more to write in here every day, but I am stumped. I'll write in here again, the next time I think of it.

I love you!


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